L1P Principles and Gender: Insights from Kenya

Report Summary: As a later stage mobile money market, some aspects of the payments system in Kenya are L1P compliant (e.g., real-time push-transfers, ubiquitous agents, and acceptance) but others are not (e.g., limited Interoperability, revocability of payments). This research explores the costs, frictions, and benefits generated by the non-L1P compliant components and L1P compliant components. Within this we were careful to probe for differences between how men and women experienced these effects.
In-Country Interview Video: Could access points like agents and ATMs benefit women when it comes to DFS?
Looking for more on Level One Project gender impacts?
- Read the blog for more context
- Read about Gender Equality
- Read the Payment Systems Design Report
- Read the insights from Cote d’Ivoire Report
- Read the Quantitative Study Report