An Ecosystem Approach to Financial Inclusion
Together, a group of diverse and global stakeholders have come together as a community at practice, working at local and international levels to advance digital services, of which financial services are one, for the benefit of low-income consumers. Activities are wide-ranging and in many cases require cross-sector collaborations.

Example Project: Mojaloop
Building Technology and Infrastructure: Developed in conjunction with the Level One project, the Mojaloop open source software platform is informed by the experiences of providers and created through a collaborative effort of technology providers. It establishes a blueprint for interoperable payment services to enhance scalability and suitability of financial products and services.
Example Project: Enhancing Women’s Economic Empowerment Through Digital Cash Transfers: D3 Criteria
Promoting Advocacy, Learning, and Information Exchange: The WEE FI Group at the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, as well as D3 Workshop participants from the UNCDF Research Center, provided guidance and feedback to FSP’s creation of the D3 (Digitize/Direct/Design) criteria for the design and delivery of social transfers to women.
Next Topic in this Section: Recognizing the PAFI Principles