Mojaloop Community Business Documents
New Level One-aligned payment platforms need business rules and other documents as well as software. To accompany the Mojaloop open-source software project, a series of business document templates is available for community use.
The Mojaloop Community Business Document project is intended to support entities (countries, regions, associations of providers or commercial enterprises) implementing new payments systems using Mojaloop code.
The Mojaloop Community Business Document Project provides templates for Business Rules and related documents. There are many choices involved in implementing a new payment system. The templates show some of the choices and, where appropriate, commentary is provided on how the particular choice is related to the goals of a Level One-aligned system.

“Realizing the vision of high-volume real-time retail payments systems requires a combination of appropriate technologies and business rules. Rules plays a critical role in assigning liabilities and determining economics: the right rules can ensure that systems operate on a pro-poor basis.”
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